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As an actionable extension of this work, I acknowledge that by doing community-based art or creating in/of/inspired by a community I owe my neighbours. Beyond artists and learners, in being part of community, living, fighting playing, creating on stolen Land and Waters, we must combat the systems of colonial-capitalist violence beyond just thinking and talking about it-- decolonizing, fighting oppression, acknowledging pluralistic understandings requires action. Praxis.
Fundamentally, cultural work and world-building and space-making/holding and helping your neighbours is creative praxis. Simultaneously while re-appropriating our extractive role as students/researchers/artists by bringing community work into the classroom, we also expand or perhaps decolonize by re-conceptualizing the container of a classroom as not a container at all but rather a place where you learn. A wonderful Nishnaabeg articulation of this is from Leanne Simpson in the text Land as Pedagogy.
Further updates and inspirations/references will be uploaded on an ongoing basis, including a Manifesto on Neighbourliness reporting what I've learned and critical discussions encountered on doing community work while "in but not of the University" (Moten and Harney The University: Last Words).

Poster with blue background with yellow text and a graphic illustrating the neighborhoods which will be effected directly by the Broadway subway line expansion. The VTU logo is visible.
Text reads in all caps “neighborhood power vs. the broadway plan. We need neighborhood power to protect our homes. March 7 @ 2 PM register to get meeting link
join organized tenants in mount pleasant to discuss the basics of the plan to build a new subway line down Broadway and how to build the tenant power necessary to fight rampant speculation and redevelopment.”​
A meeting to build organized neighbourhood power in response to the expansion of the millenium line along the Broadway corridor. Large-scale transit projects have consistently caused immediate and long-term dis-placement of those who are most vulnerable under capitalism: working-class, unhoused, and/or low income folks; this instability often compounding with and/or as a result of other intersections of oppression such as Dis-Ability, racialization, criminalization, immigration-status & citizenship, language fluency, and Queerness. 'Consultations' via questionnaire and public announcement via billboard are how the city is responding to this dire situation which will effect 25% of all purpose build rentals according to a source cited by the city in an early report. Though transit expansion is necessary, this should not and does not have to come at the expense of our community's lives. We can fight this.
Visit the Broadway Plan First Meeting event page on VTU website

Poster with a pink-blue-electric blue colour scheme and some little tech graphics. In black text the poster reads “laptops for CPDDW. the lovely board members of the Coalition of Peers Dismantling the Drug War needs (all caps) working (lowercase) new or good condition laptops or large tablets with cameras to keep up with the basic duties of the board. Arrange for covid-safe pickup/drop-off 604-363-7901 604-313-6557 or email"​
This Coalition of Peers are working hard to dismantle the drug war, particularly by working toward these central demands:
Repeal the Controlled Dugs and Substance Act (CDSA).
Release everyone imprisoned under the CDSA; void all criminal records.
DEFUND all police services, including the RCMP and prosecutors; use those funds as reparations to those most harmed by the Canadian war on drug users to rebuild their communities.
Immediately expand safer supply programs, including non-prescription drug programs developed by drug users.
Learn more about the fight at the CPDDW website which has communiques, research, and much more to take action upon.
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